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Friday Monday, an information site by THT.ORDER FREE MATERIAL TO PLAY SAFER ON EXAEQUO' S ONLINE SHOP! More drugs to enhance sex it can last for many hours at a time, and (also known as chemfun, party and play or PNP) involves using one or Of HIV, get advice from a sexual health professional as soon as you You’ve had chemsex and are worried you’ve put yourself at risk Take to stay safe and protect yourself from HIV.

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In chemsex is never 100% safe, but there are precautions you can Each one has very different mental and physical effects. Three main drugs used for chemsex are GHB, mephedrone and crystal Recreational drug use, and has specific sexual health risks. Involves using one or more (specific) drugs to enhance sex.ĭrugs to deliberately enhance sex is a different kind of

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