Shotacon gay hentai manga

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Adds a bunch of anime shotas into the game for more immersion. Shota is the only category Touma didn't punch yet.Īrtwork by NOEYEBROWS. They determine that Shota was killed by an avenger and take steps to contact one, planning to force the avenger to confess before handing him over to the Yamazaki family. Sanjou finds the video of Shota’s torture and death online and watches it with his subordinates. Jiro explains Shota’s crimes and punishment Jiro and Misaki put Shota in the backseat of their van and go to pick up The cat’s owner, Miura, was distraught and contacted the avengers. Prior to the start of the story, Shota captured a cat off the street, tortured and killed it, and uploaded photos of the cat online.

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In his free time, he takes pleasure in torturing cats he picks up off the street, and he uploads photos and videos of the torture online.

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His parents travel for work, leaving him alone for days at a time, however, and he shows a sadistic side behind closed doors. He is polite, excels in athletics and academics, and has many friends at school. In the anime, he has multiple ear piercings.Īt a glance, Shota seems to be a model high school student. Categories: Doujinshi Tags: Sakura siro, Doujinshi, Stockings, Anal, Schoolgirl uniform, Shotacon, Yaoi, Incest, Males only, Crossdressing, Tomgirl.

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He is seen wearing a school uniform with a standing collar. His handsome features, combined with his family’s obvious wealth, make him popular at school. Read community reviews of the Shota Oni manga, and add your own review today!

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